Howl House – Animal Companions Playbox

Howl House – Animal Companions Playbox

This product is one of the entries for the annual "Pack a Home" design competition organized by Fudy Group. When stray animals coming to our home, they become our family members. Just as we want our family to be happy, we also want to provide more than just a "space" for animal companions and fulfill their five basic needs. Howl House – Animal Companions Playbox aims to provide animal companions with the "freedom to exhibit natural behaviors" by offering them a playbox that allows them to express their instincts and be truly happy living with humans.

Howl House – Animal Companions Playbox


Numerous pet toys are available, but new pet owners may not know what kind of toys their new furry family members would enjoy.

Moreover, buying too many toys at once can lead to clutter in the living space. The designer from Fudy also found that some pet owners may not know how to interact and play with their furry friends.

Therefore, providing a tool with multiple play options and educational value became the primary task for Han Lee, Fudy's structural designer.

● Diverse play options
● Educational value
● Easy to store and space-saving

Howl House – Animal Companions Playbox
Howl House – Animal Companions Playbox


Product instructional design: Fudy collaborated with the No-Tail & Banana Animal School in Kaohsiung and integrated their already existing Cat Game program. One box can fulfill cats' basic needs, including biting, foraging, hunting, scratching, and hiding.
Easy storage: All accessories are made of paper and can be stored in a flat paper carry case, similar to board game boxes we had in our childhood.
Infinite possibilities: Diverse paper accessories can be creatively developed for various ways of playing.
Environmentally friendly: The entire structure is made of paper with minimal use of glue. Waste materials can be transformed into cat toys. When the product reaches the end of its lifespan, it can be easily folded for recycling, achieving true sustainability.
Human-pet interaction: Through the educational and entertaining playbox, new pet owners can discover their furry friends' preferences and learn how to interact and live together with them.

Howl House – Animal Companions Playbox


This product transforms into an educational tool with multiple play options by combining structural and instructional design. It helps novice pet owners learn how to interact with their furry companions, understand each other's needs, and truly respect the value of life. It achieves the five freedoms for animals and enriches the environment.

This product not only enriches the lifestyle of animals in human society but also brings inner satisfaction and joy to users through interacting with animals. It reduces friction in human-pet relationships, enhances life satisfaction, and reduces the likelihood of abandonment or surrender, contributing to SDG4 (Quality Education) and SDG15 (Life on Land) and positively impacting on the world.

To know more about "Pack a Home" design competition organized by Fudy Group. Click here Packaging Structure Designer | Han Lee (Taipei Fudy)

Easy & Pleasant – Multi-functional Adoption Box


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